Coaching with SCARF

SCARF stands for Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness and Fairness. According to its creator, Dr David Rock, it’s a model that describes five domains of experience that activate strong threats and rewards in the brain. These activations influence a wide range of human behaviours. In very general terms, we seek to avoid and distance ourselves from…

Student about to graduate? Read on

So you’re coming to the end of your course. You’ve access to a great career’s service at your place of study, advice from friends and relatives, a chance to speak to employers at open days, and an internet full of information on how to get a job. Why would you want to speak to a…

From Calm to Storm and back. How to manage conflict well.

Welcome to the human race How do you manage conflict? When you find yourself in a disagreement to what extent are you focused on winning the argument, keeping the peace, living to fight another day, or getting to the root of the disagreement? What’s more important to you – the issue or the relationship? The…

What’s stopping you working with a coach?

Evan Davis explores coaching and mentoring for The Bottom Line What do senior professionals make of coaching? Is it a rare privilege for the entitled few, just something to help people through a crisis, or something more universal and equitable? I recently went back to an episode of BBC’s The Bottom Line in which journalist…

Coaching spaces

When reflecting with clients on the value they get from coaching, one common theme is that of “space.” Coaching creates a space in people’s lives to stand back, reflect, review, re-energise and recommit. In particular, there are four kinds of “spaces” that regularly appear through coaching conversations. Coaching provides, first and foremost, a safe space….